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Motorhoming in Ain
Motorhoming in Ain
Situated in the north of the region of the Rhône Alpes, Ain borders Switzerland to the east. This beautiful countryside has many different facets. From the planes of Bresse to the snowy mountain tops such as La Vattay, Ain offers towns full of character and history and also lots of local gastronomic delights.
The over-riding impression that we have in this department is one of man at ease with the surrounding nature. Every where you go you will find fantastic scenery and welcoming inhabitants. The men and women of Ain are proud guardians of their culture and valorise and conserve the ‘savoir-faire’ of their local heritage. At Bourg-en-Bresse one can still find the contemporary equivalent of a style of enamelled jewellery created in the town in 1397. In the Pays de Gex, the precious stone cutters perpetuate their craft, working with the Swiss watchmakers. The potteries of Meillonnas continue to work to 18th century methods and make everything by hand and the copper works at Cerdon are still producing utensils for everyday use. Motorhome travel in France is an ideal way to discover all of these fascinating traditions perpetuated by the craftsmen of Ain.
Look out for the Aires de Service in Ain to take a pause before checking out the local gastronomy. Local wine can be found in Bugey where wine has been produced for over a 100 years. The region of Bresse is famous for its chickens which are fed on grain and bred according to traditional methods, a taste nothing to do with what we know as chicken! If you fancy sampling the famous French frog’s legs apparently Ain is the place to be! Or you could try ‘quenelles à la sauce Nantua’, dumplings with the famous sauce named after the town of Nantua which is made with crayfish.
Something not to be missed is the medieval village of Perouges in the south west of Ain. The village developed in the 14th and 15th centuries around the local wine making and weaving activities. It is really very well conserved and was used in the 1973 film version of the Three Musketeers with Michael York. The village is in a region called the Dombes where there are more than a thousand ponds and there is a bird sanctuary at Villars-les-Dombes. You will be sure to encounter some spectacular countryside when you’re motorhoming in the Rhône Alpes including the mountains, rivers and planes of Ain. Don’t miss sights such as the waterfall of Glandieu on the lake at Nantua. This is a department full of authenticity and a real breath of fresh air.