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Rollerteam Motorhome Clubs
Rollerteam motor homes are brand within the famous Trigano Group, so owners are guaranteed a van that has a strong heritage and offers quality, finish and features to match any on the market. All this is matched by the knowledge that parts and service are available right across Europe, a great comfort when your arranging a club meeting in the South of France.
From the compact Auto Roller 100 based on a Fiat Chassis to Granduca 265, Rollerteam motor homes really give prospective motor home owners more than enough to chose from. They also offer plenty to meet owners’ pockets and needs. As with any big name in the motor home world Rollerteam motor homes attract wealth of enthusiastic owners who love nothing better than to get together and share their mutual interest, getting out and about with their Rollerteam motor home. Having plenty of members also means plenty of advice, helping hands and of course someone to hold the plates while the sausages are just finishing off. Motor home meetings really have a single motive, having fun. Rollerteam motor homes come with plenty of storage which can only be an asset at meets and means that owners and their families can plan a trip without compromises. Owner of Rollerteam motor homes can even get a selection of cycles in back of some models, always handy when a member has to shoot off to the local shops as the only item left off the manifest was a corkscrew.