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Peugeot Motorhome Clubs
Peugeot represents a base vehicle from which a whole host of motor home manufacturers have spawned a massive selection of vans; from coach built models to conversions of production models. It goes without saying that as a world player in car and van manufacture Peugeot offer a great deal in reliability and value for money.
Peugeot Motor Homes come from a heritage that extends back over some 150 years. With such a pedigree it’s not surprising that Peugeot originally chose a lion for the company emblem. Less known might be that this company was based around the steel industry, manufacturing things like saw blades, sewing machines and even coffee grinders. Needless to say they have moved on a little since then. The emblem now adoring Peugeot motor homes is termed the Peugeot Bébé and was originally designed by Eltore Bugatti in 1912. Since then it has been the task of Peugeot motor home manufacturers to uphold this tradition by producing end vehicles that compliment the base vehicle below. Motor home clubs are based on a number of factors and a major interest to owners is the base vehicle. While some may discuss the benefits of a permanent or fold away beds others are fascinated by the range and variety of base mechanics that keep their house on wheels rolling along. Although there are many other manufacturers who produce quality bases for motor homes it is the owners of Peugeot Motor homes who will chew the ear off anyone who denigrates their choice in base.