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Moncayo Motorhome Clubs
Amongst the bull fighters and the Sangria there hides a van that is bound to entrance any prospective motor home buyer. Moncayo motor homes, are a Spanish product that offers just as much as any other European motor home manufacturer can do.
 As a new comer to the UK they have started to find a real following of fans who adore the quality and range of fittings offers by this new to the industry range. Having said that Moncayo motor homes are hardly new, they have been producing vans over the past 40 years and in that time have gained experience in offering the very best that a home on wheels can offer.
The Mediterráneo takes the middle ground offering various ‘over the cab’ and low profile models built upon a Fiat Ducato chassis, while the Halcón range sets the prestige level, based on the Renault Master.
As always, coach built vans don’t offer just a week end away, but they provide real comfort for the whole family for a week. Not surprising then that as the brand Moncayo motor homes will soon gather a keen following of fans that will be more than happy to meet up and share experiences.
As a club member you can really make the most of your investment, not only enjoy a breakaway but take the chance to make new friends and share the fun of having your very own hotel on four wheels.
Given the Fiat base your Moncayo motor home’s not going to cost a fortune in fuel; with efficient engines that offer many miles to the gallon they also offer bucket loads of fun to the mile.